I answer the questions that get sent to me most often… and a few that made me laugh. Have a question? Send it to me on the “Contact” page!
Questions about the Raven Falls series:
Will we ever get Louisa’s backstory?
It’s not part of the current plan. But then again, I also restructured the whole plan for the series two months ago because I was really excited about a side character who wasn’t going to get his own book in the OG plan. So… I mean, never say never???
Is Eliza deaf? Why does she use ASL (sign language)?
Eliza is a banshee. She doesn’t have hearing problems, but in my world a banshee’s voice causes people to go bananas and kill themselves. Hence the sign language. Don’t worry, we’ll get more into that as the series goes on.
Why do all your heroes have six packs?
Because in my head they’re all Jason Momoa. You’re welcome.
How many books will be in the series?
I’ve “planned” for nine novels and three holiday novellas.
EDIT: Plans are for chumps. There will now be an additional prequel novella added to the line-up… or three, because apparently I have no self-control or respect for my carefully organized schedule.
Who’s your favorite couple so far?
I know I shouldn’t have favorites because they’re my babies, but… Nate and Rainy, hands down. I LOVE a salty/sweet couple combo!
What about the Vegas pack?!
There may or may not be a plan for them. You’ll just have to wait and see :)
Questions about Galactic Fairy Tales series:
This book doesn’t follow the fairy tale!
Last time I checked, Cinderella doesn’t have a space ship. So yeah, I took some liberties. Relax and embrace the fun!
Which fairy tales are you going to do?
I’m not telling… mostly because I haven’t finalized the list. I haven’t decided how long the series is going to be; once I have, I’ll finalize my choices.
I don’t think you know how physics work…
Damn it, Jim. I’m a writer, not a rocket scientist!
Questions about writing:
What’s it like being a writer?
Weird? That’s really the best way to describe it. I spend a lot of time in yoga pants having conversations with people who don’t actually exist outside of my head. Especially because I dictate, so I talk out loud… to no one.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
Did you always want to be a writer?
Ever since I was a little kid. I learned to read super young and then when I found out that I could write the books? *brain explosion*
What does your writing process look like?
Chaos. I’ll get hit by an idea or random thought, usually it’s something ridiculous like “What if bears had laser beam eyes?” or “If I had super powers… how long would it take before I turned to villainy?”
Sometimes they grow into the beginning of a plot, sometimes they collect dust. From there, I slowly start outlining the book and breaking it down into chapters. When I have a rough outline, I start writing out the fun bits.
At some point, I’ll realize that the book is due to be sent to the editor in a week and enter the Five Stages of Grief:
Denial - “I have plenty of time! I have time to kill! I’m gonna bake some bread.”
Anger - “Why do you do this EVERY time?! Type faster!”
Bargaining - “I promise that I’ll spend less time binging Schitt’s Creek if I can just get this book submitted on time!”
Depression - “This is the worst book I’ve ever written. At least my cardboard signs will have proper grammar when I’m panhandling for rent money.”
Acceptance - “It’s as good as it’s gonna get. Just send it and go find a bottle of wine.”
The book goes off to the editor, and then I lay on the couch for a week watching Netflix and baking banana bread. At some point, she sends it back with corrections. Then I tidy it up and upload it to Amazon while trying not to have a panic attack.
At this point, I have it down to an art form.
Questions about me:
What does the “R” in R. O’Leary stand for?
Ragnarok. Haha, no. But seriously, I’m not telling.
Who is your favorite Grey’s Anatomy character?
McSteamy, obviously. Sassy and sexy. Plus, Eric Dane has that silver fox thing going on.
Why are you so obsessed with Stranger Things?
Because Sheriff Hopper is my spirit animal.
Do you really live in Alaska?
Yep. In a little town called North Pole, where the streetlights are striped like candy canes. Seriously.